Metal for Life NI Support Groups
Regular meetings in Central Belfast and Ballyclare. Register with us today!
Metal for Life NI Peer Support Groups enable like-minded metal fans to meet regularly to provide mental health support to each other.
Group attendees speak confidentially with others who understand what they're going through and can share practical help. People may attend to resolve their own issues or those of family or friends and everyone’s experiences are treated as equally important.
Metal for Life NI Support Groups are led by competent, voluntary facilitators, but all attendees contribute. There is mutual respect between all support group attendees and everyone both gives and receives support.
To ensure the safety and confidentiality of the group, interested people must register, and sign a group agreement which includes a confidentiality clause.
Metal for Life NI Support Groups are available to all Northern Irish Metal and Rock fans and are free of charge.
You may join the support group if you:
Are interested in metal or rock music
Would like to help improve the mental health of yourself or others
Register and agree to our policies and confidentiality agreement.